Charlie Pite

Charlie Pite

Charlie Pite

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5 Days in Berlin for Families

5 Days in Berlin for Families

Particularly in summer, when the city’s at its most creative and carefree, it can be easy to forget that Berlin’s a functioning capital city and not a sprawling playground. Fortunately, that attitude’s a little more forgivable when you have kids in tow! Do it right...
5 Days in Berlin for Couples

5 Days in Berlin for Couples

Think romance is dead? You’re probably just suffering from a crisis of imagination. Berlin might not exactly scream amour but, with a little forethought, there’s no reason the two of you can’t make such a culturally attractive city your Paris or Rome. Just do it soon,...
5 Days in Berlin for Singles

5 Days in Berlin for Singles

Berlin’s warmer months are when the whole city celebrates its open spaces; if you’re traveling alone, this is when you’ll meet the city’s residents at their most welcoming. Summer. It really is a season that can’t last long enough; here are a few suggestions for...
Top 10 Things to Do in Berlin for Singles

Top 10 Things to Do in Berlin for Singles

You could visit Berlin for just one reason – maybe its notorious history or nightlife – and likely find much to see and do just within the district you’re staying in. But why limit yourself when this sprawling city offers so much variety? All the better if there’s...
Top 10 Things to Do in Berlin for Families

Top 10 Things to Do in Berlin for Families

Sponsored Content Berlin’s child-friendly attractions ooze enough charm to keep even the most exhausted parents as entertained as their little ones. Compared to other major cities, the more corporate ventures can be amusingly irregular, but there are, of course,...

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